NAIROBI, Kenya – In the densely populated suburbs of Nairobi, where space is scarce and fresh produce often travels long distances, a groundbreaking farming technique is offering a solution.
Hydroponic cultivation, a method of growing plants without soil, is transforming urban agriculture by providing a sustainable and efficient way to produce locally-sourced vegetables within the city.
Scientists at Kenyatta University are pioneering this innovative approach through the Kenyatta University Living Lab, one of the eight living labs established across six African countries as part of the Circular Technologies for Sustainable City Region Food Systems in Africa (INCiTiS-FOOD) project.
Funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe with a grant of Sh780.5 million, the INCiTiS-FOOD project aims to enhance food and nutrition security in African cities while reducing the environmental footprint of food systems through circular practices.
“The INCiTiS-FOOD project is set to transform agri-food supply chains and promote environmental justice and sustainability across communities,” stated Kenyatta University.
The project integrates cutting-edge technologies, stakeholder engagement, capacity-building, and collaborative partnerships between Europe and Africa.
Key components include soilless crop farming (hydroponics), recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), and insect farming.
These methods are designed to address the resource constraints faced by urban populations, particularly youth, women, and marginalized groups.
The Kenyatta University Living Lab (KU-LL) serves as a dynamic testing ground for sustainable food production prototypes in confined urban spaces.
“Through a community-based, multi-actor approach, KU-LL engages with youth, women, agri-entrepreneurs, and SMEs to develop simplified prototypes for aquaponics, hydroponics, and Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS), as well as integrated animal-sourced food systems,” the university explained.
Leading the KU-LL team is Prof. Grace Wamue-Ngare, supported by researchers from the Departments of Gender Studies, Agriculture, and Plant Sciences.
The lab collaborates with the Chandaria Business and Innovation Centre to support incubating innovators through Open Calls funding, further promoting circular technologies in urban agriculture.
“With ongoing research on Black Soldier Flies (BSF) as a sustainable feed source for Tilapia fish, hydroponic cultivation of indigenous vegetables, and gender analysis within value chains, the project aims to raise awareness and promote adoption of innovative food production technologies among Nairobi’s population,” added the statement from Kenyatta University.
Kenyatta University Living Lab has a longstanding commitment to community engagement and sustainable development.
By actively seeking partnerships with urban farmers, academic institutions, and local experts, KU-LL addresses food security and environmental sustainability challenges in Nairobi City and its surroundings.
The lab harnesses local knowledge and expertise from urban farmers to develop and test sustainable food production prototypes in confined urban spaces.
Regular visits to the lab by adopters and reciprocal farm visits by the KU team foster a mutually beneficial ecosystem of knowledge exchange and innovation.
“As an integral part of the broader INCiTiS-FOOD project, KU-LL strengthens its partnerships with urban farmers, underscoring its ongoing commitment to advancing inclusive and sustainable urban food systems in Africa,” the statement concluded.