
Zodiacs: Is the sudden obsession in horoscopes shaping personalities?


By Shazia Majale,

Nairobi, KENYA: The earliest memories of zodiacs I have are from newspaper segments that were fondly called Horoscopes. While I didn’t exactly understand what exactly the stars were projecting at such a tender age, I knew they were up to something judging from how famous that newspaper section was.

It wasn’t until later in upper primary school that my dad properly explained what a horoscope was and why some people read it like the Bible. I didn’t think so highly of those signs, so I never gave a hoot about them. I always believed them to be one of those inconsequential, made-up brouhaha.

The advent of smartphones and social media, the internet, and Artificial Intelligence shook up the horoscopes’ little world of newspapers and those who could venture further to books. What was a daily little section summed up into two conflicting sentences per Zodiac sign has become a whole movement of its own.

We see palm reading based on star signs, card readings that are intertwined to star signs. Between podcasts interpreting seasons based on zodiacs to characters grouped according to their horoscopes, the possibilities for horoscope-related information are limitless.

To believe or not to believe in horoscopes is a personal choice. However, some of you are taking it a step too crazy for others to comprehend. A sea of information on character traits of people based on their birth months and dates has become a headless movement of fabricated personalities with no end in sight.

Detailed descriptions of ascending and descending behaviors as per the horoscopes are shaping the personalities of so many people or is it the people imitating and living word for word of how horoscopes describe personalities. A sudden obsession to consult with the stars on trivial issues and big decisions is on the rise and ridiculous as it seems, it’s shaping a whole new personalities in people.

Beautiful, authentic personalities are slowly being replaced by those created in the zodiac metaverse. Zodiac personalities seem cooler and more authentic yet they couldn’t be the more plastic. True feelings and sentiments being suppressed for the mass-generated ones can’t be real, no matter how many extra celestial bodies imply it.

For general purpose use, the zodiac personalities will tick all the boxes, but what happens in very personal situations when another human can’t comprehend the magnitudes and implications?

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