NAIROBI, Kenya – Amidst the chaos of the Tuesday protests in Nairobi, a brave young woman named Immaculate has taken to the streets with a baton, determined to protect local businesses from criminal gangs.
These gangs, allegedly deployed to cause mayhem, have infiltrated the protests, leading to widespread looting and destruction.
Immaculate, along with several other protestors, has become a guardian of a section of the city’s businesses, standing firm against the violence that marred last week’s demonstrations.
The protests, originally organized by Generation Z activists to demand reforms, turned violent after being hijacked by alleged politically aligned gangs.
“At first, I came out of the house to protest, but the goons have been sent everywhere. They are stealing from people and snatching their phones. The goons were seen coming out of City Hall,” Immaculate stated, highlighting the alleged involvement of political figures in the unrest.
City Hall, the office of the Governor of Nairobi and the Nairobi County Assembly, has been implicated in accusations of orchestrating the chaos to undermine the legitimate grievances of the protestors.
Y News has not substantiated the allegations leveled against City Hall.
The Financial Bill 2024, which sparked the protests, was successfully rejected and subsequently withdrawn, a significant victory for the activists.
A section of the protest organizers and journalists claim that these goons are being used by politicians to divert attention and discredit the genuine efforts of the youth.
Despite the turmoil, some protestors have taken it upon themselves to arrest individuals seen engaging in criminal activities, protecting fellow citizens and local businesses.
“We are here to make a difference, not to destroy our city,” said another protestor, who was seen apprehending a suspect attempting to snatch a phone.
“These actions by the goons do not represent our movement.”