NAIROBI, Kenya- In a groundbreaking moment for reproductive technology, the first babies conceived with the help of a sperm-injecting robot were born in 2023, potentially revolutionizing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and making it significantly more affordable in the future.
This cutting-edge procedure was carried out at the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City, resulting in the birth of two healthy baby girls, according to MIT’s Technology Review.
A New Frontier in Fertility: The Robotic Needle
Engineers utilized a robotic needle to inject sperm cells into eggs, a task traditionally performed by highly skilled embryologists.
This method could drastically reduce the cost of IVF procedures, which can exceed $20,000 per attempt.
The technology involved using a remote-controlled needle and camera to penetrate eggs in a petri dish, simplifying a process that has always been done manually.
“It’s wild, isn’t it?” said one of the infants’ fathers, who chose to remain anonymous. “Until now it had always been done manually.”
The potential of this technology to cut costs and increase accessibility to IVF is significant.
Santiago Munné, chief geneticist at Overture Life, the Spanish company behind the sperm robot, envisions a future where this process could be automated and performed by gynecologists, reducing the need for patients to visit specialized fertility clinics.
Despite the optimism, some experts remain skeptical about the impact of robotics on overall increase in the rates of pregnancies.
While the field continually introduces new technologies, these innovations have not always significantly increased pregnancy rates.
The primary challenge remains the issue of aging eggs, which technology alone cannot address.